Case Study Filter: Countermeasures

Data-Driven Strategies Using Predictive Modeling and Interactive Dashboards

Since traffic safety projects often yield varying impacts on safety performance, Iowa DOT established a robust system to track crash histories related to safety projects, which is essential to assess project effectiveness, efficiency, and return on investment. The system is helpful to site identification, safety issue diagnosis, and countermeasure evaluation.

Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity

The Final Rule on maintaining pavement marking retroreflectivity goes into effect September 6, 2026. Agencies can use recommended methodologies to better prioritize budgets, maximize the life of pavement markings, and improve roadway safety.

Making Safety Everyone’s Business: Integrate Safety into All Programs and Projects

FHWA has several resources and examples of integrating safety into all transportation projects, throughout the project lifecycle, from planning through operations and maintenance. They also have resources for organizational safety culture and programmatic safety integration.

DelDOT’s Road Design Manual

The DelDOT Road Design Manual includes key changes in road design practices with several new and updated policies and guidelines geared toward creating a safer, more multi-modal roadway network.

American Samoa Road Safety

The rugged terrain and high-sloped roadsides of Pacific islands is prone to rockfall, landslides, and tidal waves. American Samoa employs a variety of strategies and traffic devices to improve safety.

WISDOT’s Approach to Reducing Intersection Crashes

Intersection safety improvements and data enhancements prioritized effective safety countermeasures, leading to improvements at 175 intersections.

High Friction Surface Treatment on Vertical Curves

West Virginia
HFST on vertical curves reduced wet weather crashes by 84%.

Tennessee’s Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative: A Strategic Approach to Addressing High Risk Locations for Vulnerable Roadway Users

Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative (PRSI) funds projects to reduce fatal and severe pedestrian crashes.

Crash Modification Factors for High-Tension Cable Median Barriers in Pennsylvania

High-tension cable median barriers reduced cross-median crashes by up to 83%.