Case Study Filter: Countermeasures

WISDOT’s Approach to Reducing Intersection Crashes

Intersection safety improvements and data enhancements prioritized effective safety countermeasures, leading to improvements at 175 intersections.

High Friction Surface Treatment on Vertical Curves

West Virginia
HFST on vertical curves reduced wet weather crashes by 84%.

Tennessee’s Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative: A Strategic Approach to Addressing High Risk Locations for Vulnerable Roadway Users

Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative (PRSI) funds projects to reduce fatal and severe pedestrian crashes.

Crash Modification Factors for High-Tension Cable Median Barriers in Pennsylvania

High-tension cable median barriers reduced cross-median crashes by up to 83%.

Crash Modification Factors for High Friction Surface Treatments in Pennsylvania

High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) reduced crash frequency by 30% to 76% at curves and intersections.

Oregon DOT’s Safety Priority Index for Enhanced Crosswalks

Safety Priority Index for Enhanced Crosswalks (SPIE-C) prioritized crosswalk investigations and improvements.

Installation of High-Tension Cable Barrier to Prevent Severe Cross Over Median Collisions

High-tension cable barriers reduced cross-over median serious injury and fatality collisions significantly.

Statewide Deployment of Center Line Rumble Strips

Centerline rumble strips reduced fatal and serious injury collisions by 18%.

Accelerating the Widespread Adoption of Roundabouts

Accelerating roundabout adoption reduced total crashes by 33% and injury crashes by 71% at single-lane roundabouts.

Shoulder and Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Two-Lane Roadways in North Carolina

North Carolina
Rumble strips on rural two-lane roadways reduced lane departure crashes by 30%.