Case Study Filter: Countermeasures

Using Before and After Tools to Make Data Driven Safety Decisions

New Jersey
As part of the HSIP, NJDOT uses observational before/after analyses with a volume adjustment tool to evaluate countermeasure effectiveness and safety benefits. For example, post-deployment evaluation of centerline rumble strips showed a total crash cost benefit of more than $11 million for all target crashes.

Wrong-Way Driver Action Plan

New Hampshire
The NHDOT Wrong-Way Driver Action Plan aims to address the increasing threat of wrong-way drivers by identifying risk factors and guiding systemic deployment of countermeasures.

Two-Way to All-Way Stop Control

New Hampshire
When all-way stop control (AWSC) was applied as a systemic safety improvement in rural areas of New Hampshire, total crashes reduced by 71%; 90% in injury crashes, and 75% in fatal crashes.

Safe Truck Mobility for North Dakota Winter Roads

North Dakota
North Dakota Highway Patrol and North Dakota DOT studied crash risk and travel disruption due to severe winter storms through a Safe System lens. They found several proactive opportunities for safe truck mobility during winter storm events.

Get Involved with Transportation Research Board (TRB)

NCHRP and BTSCRP develop resources for DOTs, transportation professionals, and other agencies. Resources include research related to the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual and AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, safety guides for practitioners, and behavioral research. Transportation professionals may contribute problem statements, conduct research, and volunteer for project panels.

Safety Tools for Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE)

ICE is a process that provides a framework, steps, and tools for agencies to make data-driven safety decisions about intersection forms and controls. NCHRP and FHWA offer several tools to support ICE.

Data for Proactive Road Safety: Continuous Pavement Friction

Pavement Friction Management (PFM) using Continuous Pavement Friction Measurement (CPFM) is a proactive approach for managing pavements for safety throughout the roadway lifecycle. Taking a lifecycle approach to designing, specifying, and maintaining friction performance saved Kentucky more than $1 billion annually and reduced fatal and severe crashes by up to 24%.

Method for Short-Term Network Screening

Iowa DOT's short-term network screening method identifies freeway segments most likely to have excess crashes in coming weeks, which helps prioritize emergency response and enforcement. Seasonal conditions (weather, animal crossings) may be factored into crash risk. The method can also help with the design of effective countermeasures.