Case Study Filter: Countermeasures

Safety Circuit Rider Program

The Safety Circuit Rider program provides training and technical assistance to improve safety on local roadways.

Systemic Countermeasures Implementation and Tracking

Virginia DOT created a statewide inventory and tracking system for the performance of countermeasures, leading to better communication among employees and partners, and the ability to track ongoing progress.

A Collaborative Investigation of Truck Access into Roundabouts in Oregon

Oregon DOT used field and simulation methods to understand and mitigate delays experienced by motor carriers in roundabouts, highlighting potential for improvements to better accommodate large vehicles.

A Machine Learning Approach to Systemic Safety Project Location Identification

ODOT used machine learning to identify locations for systemic safety projects, focusing on pedestrian and roadway departure crashes.

Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Project Planning and Scoping

Nebraska DOT uses a variety of data analysis and screening methods during project planning and scoping to select countermeasures. Methods are also applied to systemic safety projects.

NCHRP Synthesis 336: DOT Practices for Road Safety Audits (RSAs)

With growing use of Road Safety Audits (RSAs), NCHRP gathered several state DOT case examples, compiled a list of available resources, and suggested future research.

FoRRRwD in Massachusetts

MassDOT’s FoRRRwD initiative provided municipalities with low-cost safety countermeasures. As countermeasures were implemented, MassDOT noted reduced crashes and serious injuries from crashes.

Implementing Complete Streets in Kentucky

When KYTC implemented Complete Streets, they found large reductions in fatalities and serious injuries at two-way stop and signalized intersections.

A Data-Driven Pedestrian Safety Analysis at Bus Stops in Georgia

Using a proactive and systemic approach in collaboration with transit agencies allowed GDOT to implement a series of economically justified safe crossing projects.

Systemic and Proactive Rural Curve Evaluation

GDOT incorporated visibility enhancements and friction improvements on rural curves after finding that lane departures represented a large proportion of fatalities on curves.