Case Study Filter: Partnership

High Wind Blow-Over Crash and Closure Reduction Study

High wind blow-over crash and closure reduction study implemented targeted warnings and closures, reducing blow-over incidents.

Safety First Cross Divisional Work Group

Safety First Work Group fostered collaboration and resource sharing for safety initiatives.

Tennessee’s Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative: A Strategic Approach to Addressing High Risk Locations for Vulnerable Roadway Users

Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative (PRSI) funds projects to reduce fatal and severe pedestrian crashes.

Using Innovative Financing to Expedite Rural Safety Improvements

Innovative financing expedited rural safety improvements, reducing project timelines and both crash costs and project costs.

Work Zone Safe

Work Zone Safe course for teen drivers aims to improve work zone safety.

Accelerating the Widespread Adoption of Roundabouts

Accelerating roundabout adoption reduced total crashes by 33% and injury crashes by 71% at single-lane roundabouts.

Safety Design Build 1.0 and 2.0


AASHTOWARE Safety Powered by Numetric – Unleashing the Power of Crash Analytics

AASHTOWare Safety powered by Numetric improved the efficiency of crash data analysis by 60%.

Maximizing Safety Returns: A Strategic Approach to Safety Equipment Procurement

The Safety Equipment Purchasing Program enables quick safety enhancements in dozens of local communities throughout Georgia, reducing deployment time from years to months.

Safeguarding the Peach State: Safe Driving Summits

Safe Driving Summits at high schools and colleges educate young drivers, leading to behavior change and positive student feedback.