Case Study Filter: Speed

Speed Management Pilot Program

Speeding significantly decreased following a pilot project that combined enforcement, engineering, and outreach.

Context-Sensitive Speed Limit Setting

DelDOT combats rising traffic fatalities by adopting context-sensitive speed limits, partnering with local agencies, and moving beyond the 85th percentile method.

Safety Circuit Rider Program

The Safety Circuit Rider program provides training and technical assistance to improve safety on local roadways.

FoRRRwD in Massachusetts

MassDOT’s FoRRRwD initiative provided municipalities with low-cost safety countermeasures. As countermeasures were implemented, MassDOT noted reduced crashes and serious injuries from crashes.

Implementing Complete Streets in Kentucky

When KYTC implemented Complete Streets, they found large reductions in fatalities and serious injuries at two-way stop and signalized intersections.

Two-Way to All-Way Stop Control

New Hampshire
When all-way stop control (AWSC) was applied as a systemic safety improvement in rural areas of New Hampshire, total crashes reduced by 71%; 90% in injury crashes, and 75% in fatal crashes.

Safe Truck Mobility for North Dakota Winter Roads

North Dakota
North Dakota Highway Patrol and North Dakota DOT studied crash risk and travel disruption due to severe winter storms through a Safe System lens. They found several proactive opportunities for safe truck mobility during winter storm events.

Get Involved with Transportation Research Board (TRB)

NCHRP and BTSCRP develop resources for DOTs, transportation professionals, and other agencies. Resources include research related to the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual and AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, safety guides for practitioners, and behavioral research. Transportation professionals may contribute problem statements, conduct research, and volunteer for project panels.