US State: Delaware

Context-Sensitive Speed Limit Setting

DelDOT combats rising traffic fatalities by adopting context-sensitive speed limits, partnering with local agencies, and moving beyond the 85th percentile method.

AWSC at Low-Volume Unsignalized Intersections

With 40% of fatalities and serious injuries occurring at low-volume, unsignalized intersections, DelDOT implemented All-Way Stop Control. After three years, there were zero fatalities and 82% fewer injury crashes at the intersections evaluated.

Be DelAWARE Toward Zero Deaths

The "Be DelAWARE" safety campaign increases awareness of the growing number of crashes and fatalities in Delaware, and promotes safe travel across all transportation modes. The campaign includes a safety pledge for residents to commit to making roads safer.

Advancing Work Zone Safety: Real-Time Digital Workers

Delaware Iowa Louisiana Nebraska
Work zones pose significant dangers to both workers and drivers. Traditional notification systems often fail to provide real-time information. DOTs are using platforms like EDOT to integrate various data streams and provide automated, real-time alerts about active work zones, fostering collaboration and more comprehensive safety measures.

DelDOT’s Road Design Manual

The DelDOT Road Design Manual includes key changes in road design practices with several new and updated policies and guidelines geared toward creating a safer, more multi-modal roadway network.

Exploring the Safety Benefits of All-Way Stop Control at Low-Volume Unsignalized Intersections

All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) at low-volume intersections reduced fatal crashes by 75% and injury crashes by 90%.