Case Study Tag: Performance measurement

Incorporating Safety Analysis into Virginia’s Transportation Funding Prioritization Process

Virginia's SMART SCALE program prioritizes transportation projects for funding based on safety, congestion, accessibility, land use, environmental quality, and economic viability.

A Collaborative Investigation of Truck Access into Roundabouts in Oregon

Oregon DOT used field and simulation methods to understand and mitigate delays experienced by motor carriers in roundabouts, highlighting potential for improvements to better accommodate large vehicles.

Development and Application of Safety Performance Functions in Project Delivery

Based on models of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs), Iowa screened roadway facilities for Potential for Crash Reduction (PCR). PCR was then applied to project screening and prioritization, intersection projects, Super-2 corridor studies, a pilot safety corridor program, and environmental assessments.

Systemic and Proactive Rural Curve Evaluation

GDOT incorporated visibility enhancements and friction improvements on rural curves after finding that lane departures represented a large proportion of fatalities on curves.

AWSC at Low-Volume Unsignalized Intersections

With 40% of fatalities and serious injuries occurring at low-volume, unsignalized intersections, DelDOT implemented All-Way Stop Control. After three years, there were zero fatalities and 82% fewer injury crashes at the intersections evaluated.

Safety in Project Development

TxDOT is incorporating safety into project development through various policies, programs, strategies, methods, and guidelines. For example, the TSAP manual and Safer By Design tools are newer resources to help TxDOT employees incorporate safety into all they do.

Data for Proactive Road Safety: Continuous Pavement Friction Measurement

Pavement Friction Management (PFM) using Continuous Pavement Friction Measurement (CPFM) is a proactive approach for managing pavements for safety throughout the roadway lifecycle. Taking a lifecycle approach to designing, specifying, and maintaining friction performance saved Kentucky more than $1 billion annually and reduced fatal and severe crashes by up to 24%.

Method for Short-Term Network Screening

Iowa DOT's short-term network screening method identifies freeway segments most likely to have excess crashes in coming weeks, which helps prioritize emergency response and enforcement. Seasonal conditions (weather, animal crossings) may be factored into crash risk. The method can also help with the design of effective countermeasures.