Case Study Tag: Maintenance

Implementing Complete Streets in Kentucky

When KYTC implemented Complete Streets, they found large reductions in fatalities and serious injuries at two-way stop and signalized intersections.

Data for Proactive Road Safety: Continuous Pavement Friction

Pavement Friction Management (PFM) using Continuous Pavement Friction Measurement (CPFM) is a proactive approach for managing pavements for safety throughout the roadway lifecycle. Taking a lifecycle approach to designing, specifying, and maintaining friction performance saved Kentucky more than $1 billion annually and reduced fatal and severe crashes by up to 24%.

Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity

The Final Rule on maintaining pavement marking retroreflectivity goes into effect September 6, 2026. Agencies can use recommended methodologies to better prioritize budgets, maximize the life of pavement markings, and improve roadway safety.

Making Safety Everyone’s Business: Integrate Safety into All Programs and Projects

FHWA has several resources and examples of integrating safety into all transportation projects, throughout the project lifecycle, from planning through operations and maintenance. They also have resources for organizational safety culture and programmatic safety integration.