Case Study Tag: Law enforcement

Buckle Up Phone Down Campaign (Kentucky)

KOHS developed a mass campaign with the message "Be safe Kentucky. Buckle up. Phone down." to address traffic fatalities from distracted driving and not buckling up.

Together for Life – Increasing Seat Belt Use in Rural Utah

Utah's "Together for Life" traffic safety culture project, together with a primary seat belt law, increased rural seat belt use, addressing a disparity with urban areas.

Speed Management Pilot Program

Speeding significantly decreased following a pilot project that combined enforcement, engineering, and outreach.

Building Partnerships through Data

ITD fostered a multi-agency approach to traffic safety by sharing data and developing partnerships with law enforcement and schools. They partnered with the Idaho Health and Welfare Department to conduct road safety audits.

Cannabis and Highway Safety in Connecticut

When fatal crash toxicology data showed an increase of cannabis by drivers, CTDOT worked with CTHSO, GHSA, and other partners to raise awareness of the dangers of driving impaired.

Method for Short-Term Network Screening

Iowa DOT's short-term network screening method identifies freeway segments most likely to have excess crashes in coming weeks, which helps prioritize emergency response and enforcement. Seasonal conditions (weather, animal crossings) may be factored into crash risk. The method can also help with the design of effective countermeasures.