Case Study Filter: Workforce

The SSA is in Our Hands

MDOT has communicated with its employees, partners, and the public about the Safe System Approach through video, presentations, training, workshops, project communications, and more.

Save Lives with the Safe System Approach

Maryland HSO used the Safe System Approach Readiness Scale to assess their readiness to adopt the Safe System Approach. Results showed overall readiness to move forward and highlighted specific opportunities to increase readiness among those who were unready or unsure.

Get Involved with Transportation Research Board (TRB)

NCHRP and BTSCRP develop resources for DOTs, transportation professionals, and other agencies. Resources include research related to the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual and AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, safety guides for practitioners, and behavioral research. Transportation professionals may contribute problem statements, conduct research, and volunteer for project panels.

Advancing Work Zone Safety: Real-Time Digital Workers

Delaware Iowa Louisiana Nebraska
Work zones pose significant dangers to both workers and drivers. Traditional notification systems often fail to provide real-time information. DOTs are using platforms like EDOT to integrate various data streams and provide automated, real-time alerts about active work zones, fostering collaboration and more comprehensive safety measures.

Work Zone Safe

Work Zone Safe course for teen drivers aims to improve work zone safety.

Safety Training with Florida’s Local Technical Assistance Program

Safety training through Florida’s LTAP provided 45 safety courses to over 20,000 attendees.

Work Zone Speed Safety Cameras

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) noted a marked reduction in excessive speeding since adding speed safety cameras to work zones

Work Zone Speed Enforcement Cameras

The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) uses speed safety cameras in work zones in partnership with law enforcement