Case Study Filter: Safe People

Tennessee’s Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative: A Strategic Approach to Addressing High Risk Locations for Vulnerable Roadway Users

Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative (PRSI) funds projects to reduce fatal and severe pedestrian crashes.

Oregon DOT’s Safety Priority Index for Enhanced Crosswalks

Safety Priority Index for Enhanced Crosswalks (SPIE-C) prioritized crosswalk investigations and improvements.

Work Zone Safe

Work Zone Safe course for teen drivers aims to improve work zone safety.

NCDOT Pedestrian Safety Improvement Program

North Carolina
The Pedestrian Safety Improvement Program implemented road safety audits and developed action plans for high-risk areas.

Natural Bridge Avenue Safety Project

The Natural Bridge Ave road diet and safety project reduced speeds by 17%, reduced all crashes by 75% and fatal pedestrian crashes by 100%.

MD 187 (Old Georgetown Road) Quick Build Lane Reallocation to Address Bicyclist Safety

Lane reallocation for new bicycle lanes on MD 187 reduced bicyclist fatal and injury crashes, and improved safety for vulnerable road users.

Safe System Approach Applied to GDOT Policy

A revision to GDOT policy requires inclusion of vulnerable road user safety in setting speed zones.

Safeguarding the Peach State: Safe Driving Summits

Safe Driving Summits at high schools and colleges educate young drivers, leading to behavior change and positive student feedback.

Human Factors Approach to Influential Safety Behavior Campaigns

Data-driven education and enforcement campaigns addressed lane departure, intersections, and vulnerable road users, with significant engagement outcomes.

Minnesota Avenue SE Between 27th Street SE and A Street SE

District Columbia
Minnesota Ave SE safety improvements such as curb extensions, bus bulb-outs, median refuges, parking setbacks, and protected bicycle lanes reduced crashes by 34% and injuries by 44%, with average speeds declining by 50%.