Case Study Filter: Rural Roads

Using Innovative Financing to Expedite Rural Safety Improvements

Innovative financing expedited rural safety improvements, reducing project timelines and both crash costs and project costs.

Shoulder and Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Two-Lane Roadways in North Carolina

North Carolina
Rumble strips on rural two-lane roadways reduced lane departure crashes by 30%.

Enhancing Curve Signing on Rural Two-Lane Roadways in North Carolina

North Carolina
Enhanced curve signing reduced lane departures by 33%, total crashes by 35% and fatal and injury crashes by 41%.

Roundabouts at High-Speed Intersections in North Carolina

North Carolina
Roundabouts at high-speed intersections reduced total crashes by 41% and fatal and injury crashes by 79%.

All Way Stops (AWS) in North Carolina

North Carolina
All Way Stops at rural intersections reduced fatal and severe injury crashes by 92%.

Lane Constrictor Intersection Statewide Implementation

Lane constrictor intersections reduced fatal and injury crashes in Minnesota by 20%.

Examining the Impact of Centerline Rumble Strips on Reducing Rural Two-Lane Head-On Collisions in Maine

Centerline rumble strips reduced head-on and opposite sideswipe collisions by 28-48%.

Local Road Safety Program

North Dakota
The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) incorporated its Local Road Safety Program (LRSP) into its highway safety planning process