Case Study Filter: Project Lifecycle

WISDOT’s Approach to Reducing Intersection Crashes

Intersection safety improvements and data enhancements prioritized effective safety countermeasures, leading to improvements at 175 intersections.

Safety Design Build 1.0 and 2.0


Natural Bridge Avenue Safety Project

The Natural Bridge Ave road diet and safety project reduced speeds by 17%, reduced all crashes by 75% and fatal pedestrian crashes by 100%.

MD 187 (Old Georgetown Road) Quick Build Lane Reallocation to Address Bicyclist Safety

Lane reallocation for new bicycle lanes on MD 187 reduced bicyclist fatal and injury crashes, and improved safety for vulnerable road users.

Idaho’s US-20 Expansion from SH-55 to Locust Grove

US-20 expansion and reflective backplating on signals reduced serious injury and fatal crashes by 75%.

Reconstruction, Widening, and Signalization at the Intersection of West Karcher Road (SH-55) and Lake Avenue

Reconstruction and signalization at SH-55 and Lake Avenue reduced serious injury and fatal crashes by 100%

AASHTOWARE Safety Powered by Numetric – Unleashing the Power of Crash Analytics

AASHTOWare Safety powered by Numetric improved the efficiency of crash data analysis by 60%.

16th Street NW Bus Priority Project Analysis

District Columbia
16th Street NW Bus Priority Project improved bus travel times by 8-15% and reduced crashes by 28%.

Exploring the Safety Benefits of All-Way Stop Control at Low-Volume Unsignalized Intersections

All-Way Stop Control (AWSC) at low-volume intersections reduced fatal crashes by 75% and injury crashes by 90%.

SAFER Tool for All Projects

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) developed a series of safety questions to be applied to every transportation project at the agency