Case Study Filter: Project Lifecycle

Systemic Countermeasures Implementation and Tracking

Virginia DOT created a statewide inventory and tracking system for the performance of countermeasures, leading to better communication among employees and partners, and the ability to track ongoing progress.

Safer By Design Safety Scoring Tools

TxDOT's Safety Scoring Tools help designers understand the safety impacts of design elements and optimize safety in projects.

A Machine Learning Approach to Systemic Safety Project Location Identification

ODOT used machine learning to identify locations for systemic safety projects, focusing on pedestrian and roadway departure crashes.

Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Project Planning and Scoping

Nebraska DOT uses a variety of data analysis and screening methods during project planning and scoping to select countermeasures. Methods are also applied to systemic safety projects.

Development and Application of Safety Performance Functions in Project Delivery

Based on models of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs), Iowa screened roadway facilities for Potential for Crash Reduction (PCR). PCR was then applied to project screening and prioritization, intersection projects, Super-2 corridor studies, a pilot safety corridor program, and environmental assessments.

The Safe System Approach in New Jersey

New Jersey
NJDOT has integrated the six principles and five elements of the Safe System Approach (SSA) into its programs, practices, and projects, aiming to achieve zero fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads.

Get Involved with Transportation Research Board (TRB)

NCHRP and BTSCRP develop resources for DOTs, transportation professionals, and other agencies. Resources include research related to the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual and AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, safety guides for practitioners, and behavioral research. Transportation professionals may contribute problem statements, conduct research, and volunteer for project panels.

Data for Proactive Road Safety: Continuous Pavement Friction

Pavement Friction Management (PFM) using Continuous Pavement Friction Measurement (CPFM) is a proactive approach for managing pavements for safety throughout the roadway lifecycle. Taking a lifecycle approach to designing, specifying, and maintaining friction performance saved Kentucky more than $1 billion annually and reduced fatal and severe crashes by up to 24%.

Prioritizing Safe System Elements Along a Rural Continuum

This pilot effort created a new way of looking at rural safety needs on a continuum. The project used six characteristics: block size, distance to fire stations, distance to public schools, distance to Level 1 & 2 trauma centers, intersection density, and undeveloped land.