Caltrans integrates equity into safety planning using data-driven methods, including an equity index and community engagement, to prioritize safety improvements in disadvantaged areas.
Systemic Countermeasures Implementation and Tracking
Virginia DOT created a statewide inventory and tracking system for the performance of countermeasures, leading to better communication among employees and partners, and the ability to track ongoing progress.
MDOT has communicated with its employees, partners, and the public about the Safe System Approach through video, presentations, training, workshops, project communications, and more.
Maryland HSO used the Safe System Approach Readiness Scale to assess their readiness to adopt the Safe System Approach. Results showed overall readiness to move forward and highlighted specific opportunities to increase readiness among those who were unready or unsure.
TxDOT is incorporating safety into project development through various policies, programs, strategies, methods, and guidelines. For example, the TSAP manual and Safer By Design tools are newer resources to help TxDOT employees incorporate safety into all they do.
The MnDOT Safe System Approach (SSA) implementation plan has the goal of institutionalizing the SSA across the agency. will be a framework leading the agency to broad application of SSA principles throughout the project development process. The SSA will be seen as an approach for staff at MnDOT to utilize in their work toward eliminating fatalities and serious injuries.
Establishment of FDOT District Safety Administrator positions improved safety coordination throughout the project lifecycle, organizational safety culture, and collaboration across divisions.