Case Study Filter: Funding

Equity in Traffic Safety with HSIP

ODOT's HSIP now prioritizes projects in low-income areas, where fatal crashes are 9.8% higher. They allocate 10% of scoring to economic factors and offer reduced local match requirements for disadvantaged communities.

Incorporating Safety Analysis into Virginia’s Transportation Funding Prioritization Process

Virginia's SMART SCALE program prioritizes transportation projects for funding based on safety, congestion, accessibility, land use, environmental quality, and economic viability.

Development and Application of Safety Performance Functions in Project Delivery

Based on models of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs), Iowa screened roadway facilities for Potential for Crash Reduction (PCR). PCR was then applied to project screening and prioritization, intersection projects, Super-2 corridor studies, a pilot safety corridor program, and environmental assessments.

Cannabis and Highway Safety in Connecticut

When fatal crash toxicology data showed an increase of cannabis by drivers, CTDOT worked with CTHSO, GHSA, and other partners to raise awareness of the dangers of driving impaired.

The Safe System Approach in New Jersey

New Jersey
NJDOT has integrated the six principles and five elements of the Safe System Approach (SSA) into its programs, practices, and projects, aiming to achieve zero fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads.

Get Involved with Transportation Research Board (TRB)

NCHRP and BTSCRP develop resources for DOTs, transportation professionals, and other agencies. Resources include research related to the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual and AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, safety guides for practitioners, and behavioral research. Transportation professionals may contribute problem statements, conduct research, and volunteer for project panels.

Safety First Cross Divisional Work Group

Safety First Work Group fostered collaboration and resource sharing for safety initiatives.

Tennessee’s Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative: A Strategic Approach to Addressing High Risk Locations for Vulnerable Roadway Users

Pedestrian Road Safety Initiative (PRSI) funds projects to reduce fatal and severe pedestrian crashes.

Using Innovative Financing to Expedite Rural Safety Improvements

Innovative financing expedited rural safety improvements, reducing project timelines and both crash costs and project costs.