Safety Highlights

Grooves of Guardianship: Unveiling the Impact of Rumble Strips

Rumble strips reduced injury and fatal crashes by 48% on analyzed roadways.

Dashboard for Evaluating Effectiveness of Safety Investments

HSIP safety infrastructure investments reduce fatal and serious injury crashes up to 46% annually. The Florida crash dashboard helps users identify projects with maximum impact.

Safety Training with Florida’s Local Technical Assistance Program

Safety training through Florida’s LTAP provided 45 safety courses to over 20,000 attendees.

Establishment of Safety Administrator Positions

Establishment of FDOT District Safety Administrator positions improved safety coordination throughout the project lifecycle, organizational safety culture, and collaboration across divisions.

Human Factors Approach to Influential Safety Behavior Campaigns

Data-driven education and enforcement campaigns addressed lane departure, intersections, and vulnerable road users, with significant engagement outcomes.

Statewide Safety Risk Analysis and Annual HSIP Allocation to Systemically Fund Countermeasures

Statewide Safety Risk Analysis and HSIP allocation funded systemic countermeasures, significantly reducing fatal and serious injury crash rates.

Minnesota Avenue SE Between 27th Street SE and A Street SE

District Columbia
Minnesota Ave SE safety improvements such as curb extensions, bus bulb-outs, median refuges, parking setbacks, and protected bicycle lanes reduced crashes by 34% and injuries by 44%, with average speeds declining by 50%.

16th Street NW Bus Priority Project Analysis

District Columbia
16th Street NW Bus Priority Project improved bus travel times by 8-15% and reduced crashes by 28%.